This is my nephew Zack using the walky dog with his dog Aslan. They are both having a great time. The walky dog is the best bicycle leash tool that I've found anywhere. It's totally safe for an older child that has the body weight to run with their dog.
Hoshi is a yearold now and we are starting to do longer bike rides. She sure loves running along beside me.
I use either a slip collar or {her favorite} a road harness. With the collar she will just run beside me but with the harness she will get out ahead of the walky dog and actually pull me along. So for the best road work a collar is best as she will just hold the pace and get some rear end muscle exercise. With the harness she can keep her own pace which she likes to be 9 - 10 miles and hour and feel like she's actually working.
It attaches with it's own bracket to the seat post of the bike, any size since the bracket is in two pieces and clamps on to the seat post with screws.
The pole itself is hollow with three springs inside that will give a correction to the dog if he/she decides to go after a squirrel or rabbit. The springs will stretch out to 2 1/2" and then spring back, pulling the dog back into line. They learn very quickly that while attached they should just get into a working zone and pace.
The cord is replaceable and I've replaced mine a couple of times now with cording that I found at Home Depot. One of the springs inside is tapered so that the cord goes through and gets knotted so it won't slip out.
Very simple but ingenious. A kid in Cal developed it so he could take his dog with him mountain biking and then an italian company bought it from him and is marketing it.
Hoshi and I both love it, I have demonstrated it with other dogs, Dobes, Vizsals, Greyhounds, even Newfoundlands and all dogs work well with it once they get the hang of it. I do figure 8's with them and they catch on very quickly.
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Here are some videos of the WalkyDog in action if anyone is interested:
WalkyDog Videos
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